Friday, July 29, 2005 @ 9:45 PM
Well, it's this time of the day that i have to say.. it is turning August soon.. is was like just yesterday when the june holidays was over and now, it is turning August soon!! Do time pass when you are having fun?? i don't know but even when we are in school [aka torture chamber with loads and loads of tests to last us for the rest of our lifes] , time still passes 'quite' fast.. and now i don't know if it is a good thing or bad thing that class tests are over and in a week or two it is coomon tests!! i know i am very lazy but i still hope to do well in my tests.. haha.. anyway for me, i just treat going to school as a enjoyable thing and try in every possible way to make myself look forward to attending school.. to put it in another way is also giving myself excuses, trying to convince myself that school is fun plus it really have a plus side you know.. you have to be optimistic to see them.. haha.. like talking rubbish hor.. this is good advice hor.. must listen!! By the way, there are also tons of project not done finished yet.. sigh.. the 2 days to August now seems alot more far away.. Got to go now!! Bye!! Remember to tag, you guys..
Friday, July 15, 2005 @ 6:55 PM
Holidays are over and it is time to get serious for coming major tests in the future!! I know it is weird to be saying this 3 weeks after but like i said before my laziness is because someone.. *ahem..* that person know who SHE is, after admitting she gets things VERY slow [ie 900 times AND hours later]!! haha.. anyway, back to school stuff, about the same except we got miss wong as our 3 subjects teacher.. she is a good teacher but it is just she is always absent and we are all scared our grades will slip.. anyway wish her to recover totally!! During our CCA, NPCC's members came over and teach us how to pitch a tent.. then the next lesson we pitch the tent on our own and they said we were not bad for first-timers! Next week we are going swimming, don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing.. hopefully good.. Lastly to conclude, since it is a new month and new term, we should live out the best everyday!! Have a good day and goodbye!