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Monday, October 30, 2006 @ 11:50 PM
sniff.. wah.. why cy's post so gan shang one?? he scared no1 cry izzit??!! nvrm tt.. i guess my last post made alot of ppl shocked!! lolx.. nvrm venting's over.. i wanna know my sec 3 class!! last fri went all the way to tampines to shop with fn and ying2!! XD its fun!! hey.. tmr chalet le.. after chalet how? ai yo.. hmm.. 2 more months.. reli.. 207 is gone.. sighx.. i shall dedicate this post to us all.. hehheh.. see la.. wad i can rmb.. dun blame me.. hehe..

1 xintian
quiet quiet girl.. ok actually she's not tt quiet.. haha.. but she is diligent at work.. she is also very clever!! XD ok maybe sometimes she dun catch wad we say but when it comes to sch work.. she's a pro! haha.. her fave word is "eRR.." special tone.. haha.. then sometimes follow by "hen leng" very cold.. ok lah.. our jokes are often not warm mah.. XD

2 hazel
vj! other times when we talk she seem quite strange at first.. but then she will tend to smile! haha.. smile more girl.. then when it comes to work, she will be very 'serious' at first.. then she will go along with the lame crowd.. lol.. nice frenn.. loyal sia!

3 yintong
girl.. she's leaving us liao.. sigh.. all the best still.. stay crazy!! XD the mad mad gal then when it comes to sch work, will change to another person.. scary lor.. haha.. no la.. she will still make jokes! but some is err.. ahemm.. her fave word is "wad??" haha.. another gong2 one.. or act one?!

4 isabell
haha.. she qian chang hui.. tt's when i reli start to know u.. i admit the first impression i get frm u is not very nice but at that day i seriously change my impression.. haha.. a very loyal gal towards her frenn.. nice.. a bit loud ok very loud at times.. but she is great frenn!

5 estella
councillor.. 103.. haha.. u always try to solve probs.. then u will seem so stress!! haha.. a trusting frenn who is responsible and too willing to carry all the burden with her.. girl.. relax la.. life is meant to be relaxed.. haha.. continue be mad mad crazy crazy!! u just crack us up!! hehe.. jia youuu!! <333

6 lingying
hehheh.. kkk.. haha.. jia you for yr everything!! studies esp!! i know u always say life is unfair cos u dun usually reap wad u sow.. ok its true.. not everything's under our control.. just try yr best then next time try even harder!! dun give up kae!! ya.. continue to be zi lian and smile.. u are also one who is a bit loud.. XDD jia youuu!

7 yijun
band! u r friendly to others.. but just not to some tchers.. haha.. be more presentable at ur attire and try to bear with the tchers.. lol.. stay happy and friendly! XD

8 jeanette
girl.. another mad mad one.. haha.. enjoy the lrt rides with u! will miss them.. we can still take lrt together rite? sniff.. our future lawyer in the making! jia you!! lit student sia! u always make us laugh and willing to entertain me.. hehe.. thks alot.. and yr ever strict mum.. jia youuu!!

9 feini
hehheh.. netball gal!! always sharing with me yr probs and yr feud with bball.. lolx.. u seem totally diff when u smile or dun smile.. soo of cos is SMILE! haha.. u jia you too with yr sch work.. same combi so must work harder nxt yr.. try not to take up too much burden nxt yr.. cos we all will be too busy to maybe even to hear u out.. must forgive me then.. but we will still continue be GOOD frenz ya?! continue yr love for netball and juniors! XDD <333

10 hinfong
odac girl!! my only odac mate in class..! hehe.. will miss u de.. nxt yr sure diff class.. miss u calling me "zihui!" haha.. although odac still can hear but it's diff though.. haha.. will always rmb when u autograph.. haha.. so slow.. but i was sooo gan dong when i saw wad u write at the end when u ask me too goo away.. haha.. and pheonix girl.. can still take lrt with u ba.. XDD

11 may
hey.. u seem to be happier and less stressful.. good!! see u smiling more!! haha.. nxt diff class le.. no sitting behind me.. ai yoo.. sure miss u de.. lame jokes queen!! so cold lor.. but u always manage to make the atmosphere bttr by talking! haha.. though sometimes the more u try to help more worse but i reli appreciate.. and the way u are being 'abused' by others.. ai yoo.. jia youu.. nxt yr they bully u must tell me still!! XDD

12 xiuhui
sjab!! haha.. know la u very passionate sia.. learn bio nxt time be doctor!! haha.. always slp de girl.. always so fierce.. haha.. voice also a bit loud.. one of my close frenn..! nxt yr dun scold may le la.. haha.. she so ke lian.. ai yoo.. every1 thought u very wen rou from the first impression but.. haha.. so chu lu.. haha.. likes hugging.. hehe.. will nvr forget ya!! <333

*can write until here first? have to slp.. next time then continue the other 29 ppl.. wa.. tmr CLASS CHALET!! yay!! every1 enjoy!! like there's no tmr! XDD buaiz for now~*

Wednesday, October 25, 2006 @ 9:06 PM
66 can i use a bottle to fill up all of my memories of 207? nahh.. dun think so.. i think it will overflow.. =) 99

66 207 is a memory. Thus it will be forever in my heart. 107 is a past. We can never turn it back, nor can we forget it. 99

Today led a hike to bukit timah nature reserve.. leading 205 and 210.. they were quite fun.. lolx.. at least they are friendly.. better than the sec 3s!! XPPP woohoo~ tmr get our class and combi le.. so fast rite?? ;p time FLIES..! today went lot 1 with xiu and jea!! then the bluez salesgirl attitude lor.. heck.. i think this is not the first time can? anyway the day was not spoilt la.. its not everyday where you can see attitude ppl who dun care abt their job everywhere.. ya know?? woohoo! i very satisfied with my overall results!! so happy sia! XD my lowest result is a B3!! a B3 leh!!! hehe..i very proud of myself can le.. i dun reli care abt the total score.. well, at least i scored an A for my percentage.. yay!

was very mad today.. because of somebody.. dun mind me.. cos the post below is gonna be abt sum1 i am particularly mad abt!! he thinks he very li hai.. never spare a thought for others.. pls.. did he respect us? he have no right can?! scold me for no reason.. very fun izzit? whenever you like u scold whenever u wan u suddenly be nice to everyone.. everyone can tell one lor.. u think everyone as dumb as u meh? this may seem offensive.. but seriously i think every1 agrees.. u are the one bringing our club down.. we used to look forward to our cca where we can reli be OUTDOOR and have ADVENTURE.. it doesn't mean only u are the one putting effort to keep the cca up.. i dun nid any recognization cos to me it only seem like hypocritism.. i dun nid u to praise me cos i din do anything.. i just wan our club to be back to when everyone is reli having fun.. no one wan to 'pon' and no one practises 'slack' as often as we do now.. in the past at least ppl envies our club but now they just think of us as a slacking club.. this morning during the hike sum1 said it out.. i was very displeased.. but i din point it straight to you lor.. dun give yrself or any1 else excuse that u are not a adventure-type tcr.. u can take up courses.. or anything.. if u are reli interested in keeping up our cca.. it doesn't mean u everytime say u take alot of time to plan this and that.. to ask this and thatthen u will put in effort.. if u reli put in the effort all of us noe.. you DUN NID TO SAY.. and firstly, i think being a ADVENTURE tcr.. u are supposed to be brief.. sorry to say this but.. i think the things u say are seriously too naggy.. we are an adventure team.. in 1st thing 1st is to keep instructions and commands short.. sometimes hearing others saying abt u.. not i nvr help u put in some good words lor.. i did but is u made things worse BY yr own doings.. i can't help but agreeing with them.. you wan us to do this do that.. but can you think it in a more logical and reasonable way? sometimes we can't do them due to some constraints.. and i seriously noe U ARE VERY DISAPPOINTED IN ME.. not that i dun wan to admit it but pls, how can our team morale be raised if u keep putting ppl down like tt? ARE U THINKING?? the worse is you said it in front of ME "This type of things better ask c* do better.." ha! fine.. u wan him to eventually be the chairman also fine by me.. having to serve under a tcr like u i rather continue be a normal member even though i loved my job but just one person like you is enough to make me quit my post.. i din mean i wan to but.. u SEEM u wan it then it's also FINE.. sighx.. i just.. i just have no more things to say to u.. except i find u extremely naive.. nvrm u won't know de..

wow.. i actually wrote such a long essay on him.. too bad i din vote for him AT ALL for any tcr thing during the survey.. cos he NVR crossed my mind..! gotta cool down.. huu.. xii.. (breath in) =D alright guess i gotta go rest my drowsy head.. buaiz and nitez!!

Monday, October 23, 2006 @ 9:23 PM
tmr hari raya!! so got holiday! yay! can slp longer.. was listening to ttyy then was reading gy's classblog.. RVHS 2I.. lolx.. soo touching nehs.. cos like reminding myself the days to stay as a CLASS not long le.. very sad de lehs.. then bu zhi bu jue zhong.. diao le yan lei.. lol.. seriously i dunno wad came over me.. haha.. sniff just 3 more days..! why did they have to give us the friday? sighx.. gai gei bu gei.. bu gai gei jiu gei.. diaos..

I HATE YS!!! rrr... everytime think of here will get sooo angry!! hate him lahs.. ystd, hao bu rong yi find bleach ep 95 download site then he go and close it when i went out for dinner!! heck lahh.. rrr.. %#~&`$@*! i download until so xin ku.. cos find the whole day also no site can let me download FULL episode! ai yoo.. then he JUST CLOSE IT???!!!!! idiot lahh...!!! its literally the whole day!!! stupid..!!

todAY went to HSBC treetop walk there.. hai hao lah.. then halfway through rain nehs.. then sumhow we sit thru half of the rain?!! nvrm.. then the jh like got pms.. so ji dong.. keep wanting to kill me lidat.. ai yooo.. still keep acting macho.. pretending she is a guy.. lolxx.. then found out something AMAZING and something SAD!! sighxx..

sniff when the day come then i will say.. lolxx.. anyway today very SAD!! cos last day SAME CLASS with xl.. last day sit IN FRONT of her..!! waaaaa~ mummy!! then played animal chess with err.. wilson and ky.. duh.. wilson lent us his work to REFER..!! lolxx.. see ya all on weds then!! XD buaizz!! <333

Saturday, October 21, 2006 @ 11:35 PM
tian tian ye ye is very nice lorx.. hmm i found out real player is much better than media player!! (: maybe cos it's version 10.. hmm i try download wma v.10 too.. lolx.. yay.. i managed to watch bleach until episode 94!! just 6 more episodes!! jia you! 5 more days to the end of the school yr.. i think i survive daily on the motivation to go school thru my friends and the events awaiting me.. but now.. i dunno if i will still get the same motivation next yr.. haix.. how to stop thinking pessimistically?? the only thing keeping me from breaking down now is seriously BLEACH!! haix.. btw the ending at 94 was so frustrating!! cos it makes me wanna watch one more!!! arghhh.. it was the showdown between KARIYA and BYAKUYA!! my god!! byakuya soo cool can?? just when rukia was gonna die, he came.. "senbon zakura!" ahhh~ sooo cool.. XD i think i can melt lorx.. the scene soo touching.. sniff~ SIBLING LOVE nehx.. aii yooo.. X) alright bttr stop acting like an idiot.. recently soo many shuai ges lehhx.. like yul and alot others.. awww~ fine i am fa-ing hua chi.. I DUN CARE..!!! fine.. i admit.. i am crazy...!! O.o 5 more da-- ahh.. stop REMINDING myself!!! shall end my crazy post here! buaiz..!

Thursday, October 19, 2006 @ 11:34 PM
happy bday to YING YING!! my twiny!! XD

just 1 more week~~ 7 more days!! sighx.. it may be good news or bad news.. anyway today went to kbox with wx and xl.. sang from 2.50 to 7.10.. actually go there the purpose is not for kbox de.. but hor like too much time u know.. so ya we went.. it was fun!! lolx.. alot time for me to SOLO.. haha.. bleach still stuck at 89!! oh my.. i wan to finish lehhx.. i dun care.. i will pia finish it all by sunday!! must!! next weds lead sec 2s to bukit timah hill.. lolx.. wad to do in class now?? so bored lahh.. other than sudoku like nth else.. if dun wan kena caught by tcr lahh..

gomenasai; dey AMORE hae.. <33
japanese; korean; french; korean [figure it out] xD

Monday, October 16, 2006 @ 8:01 PM
Happy B'Dae to.....
Belated B'Dae to.....

wooHOO.. finally made my choice le!! [[oneTWO]] yay!! eng, hcl, e maths, a maths, physics, chemistry, pure geog, elect hist and social studies.. yippee.. finally put down one GIGANTIC BURDEN.. whew~ all thks to ying2.. she help me make up my mind! yay! i know of 2 other ppl also 1-2 as me.. ying2 and fn!! yea~ bleach still at episode 89.. cnnt watch!! because SUMONE still haven't finish exams.. maybe even comp also cnnt use lorhh.. siigh.. but nvrm coz onli got 10 episodes left!! btw i changed blogskin!! chio rite??!! sum1 still unable to make up her mind.. ohh so sad.. XD..
got once i very pro.. i think is 1 or 2 days ago.. i chat with 5 ppl at one time leh.. plus i watch BLEACH at the same time!! hahas.. li hai ba.. lolx.. mp3 earpiece spoil!! oh my god!! grr.. tmr got excursion.. day after tmr also.. woo~ look forward to the day 2007 starts!! sec 3 neh!! XP

Saturday, October 14, 2006 @ 11:32 PM
this song is nice.. i am currently at my cousin's house and some ppl behind are playing bleach.. lolx.. BLEACH ROX!! but even until episode 99 also no ending lor.. how come no one tell me de.. now is doing the bountou!! i wan to see the time when aizen, ichimaru and tousen come back and challenge them!!! walau.. how can no ending one??!! freakk.. still nida wait until how long?? oops.. sorry.. everytime see the tagboard i very mad lor.. no one de.. even ppl online also lesser and lesser can??!! then now my bro so noisy wanna play comp.. idiot.. plus the subjects i dunno how??!! i wan geog.. i wan phy.. i wan chem.. the rest can dun wan???!!! i dun wan bio.. so hard.. tired of hist.. so bored.. sigh.. how to choose liddat?? why can't u choose yr own 8th subject?? i wan french!!! my god.. so ji dong now.. cnnt calm down.. sigh.. have to leave to mon lor.. hope can find solution..

mon went kbox.. with xiu, feini and yingying!! ying2 very cute.. lolx.. although as lame as usual.. no change la.. but she wore skirt!! lolx.. actually no big deal la but fn very excited over it.. lolx.. then the whole day was mad mad mad!! yeah!! then tues was very bored cos din bring games to sch!! weds chiong bleach lolx.. then went out jogging with fn.. thurs went swimming with xinglin.. she dunno how to swim.. lolx.. then she.. ahemm.. no comment.. others also got fn, xiu, yintong.. it was fun la.. got mild sun burn.. but it was sooo worth it!! fun sia!! it was great wan to go again!! fri got back results.. still quite satisfied except for chinese.. flunk it sia.. nvr fail but.. aiya.. flunK!! then got recce to bukit timah hill.. it was ok la.. went there ten times.. lolx.. exactly same route.. then still got picnic.. lolx.. the canteen auntie help us prepare food and drinks leh.. she sooo kind.. we soooo shiok lo.. go there discuss with the 'benji' on the subjects to choose.. lolx.. and he's just sec 1.. the same lahs..

kaes.. gtg.. downloading bleACH 87.. just 12 more episodes.. *I HATE YOUTUBE!! ANYHOW CUT AWAY VIDEOS.. NO NID TO SEE LIAO LAHHS* rrr.. anyways.. nitez and buaizz!!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006 @ 12:29 PM
wow.. bleach finish half le!! the most exciting part finished liao.. SOUL SOCIETY!! sighx.. now back to where we started!! downloading episode 65! yay! onli 32 more episodes to go!! woohoo~ BLEACH ROX! goong is showing on ch U!! but i think i will skip the front and jump all the way to the centre there.. there is the sweetest lo.. lolx.. exams are over.. fine.. but feel so bored.. ystd went to mac's with wee and xl.. then they 2 already planning the schedule for borrowing the vcds from me.. lolx.. i know.. GOONG ROX!! btw i posted on my other bloggy.. hahas.. i find it very weird how come exams is sooo over and the cyberspace sumhow still seem so empty.. no one's been updating their blog.. no one online.. BORRINGG.. sighx.. and holz haven't even arrived!! my.. yea.. can watch bleachie liaox.. gtg buaiz!

Sunday, October 08, 2006 @ 9:24 PM
lolx.. the blogskin is niagara falls.. hahas.. but may change it soon.. still looking for the perfect BLOGSKIN.. tmr going to kbox with xiu, feini, ying2! lolx.. watching bleach now.. episode 57.. yay!! 41 episodes more.. btw EXAMS ARE OVER.. yea.. today watched 'Da Vinci Code'.. wow.. lolx.. like 'national treasure'.. haha.. it's jus decoding and decoding but very interesting.. goong doing on mon!!! yay! downloading 58.. faster faster.. ystd got PIE.. then was quite fun cos sumhow 207 displayed our class spirit ONCE AGAIN.. lolx.. reli reli proud of 207.. waahh.. wanna separate class le.. CRY!! haix.. gai lai de hai shi hui lai.. i guess that's how i can persuade myself.. HAIX.. no card how to go KBOX??!!! disney channel jus now do 'read it and weep' then i find the story funny funny one.. like 'qian pian yi lu' lor.. planning to take DOUBLE SCI-physics, chem.. pure geog and lit.. lolx.. let's see first.. gotta go bac to bleach!! here i go!! XD

Sunday, October 01, 2006 @ 11:06 AM
yaeh.. it's 1st oct.. 3 more months to 2007.. lolx.. however there's still sumthing called EXAMS.. next week's schedule: HMT, LIT, SCI, MATHS, ART.. and next sat got PIE.. how in the world will we have time to do the products?? this week hao bu rong yi AO guo le.. yay!! now just 5 more days!! jia you!!! bleach finally see until eps 45.. still got 52 eps.. ai yo yo.. lolx.. i seriously wan nokia 7390 by my 15th bdae prezzie!! i scared it's gonna be very ex.. i like the powder pink.. l'amore series.. flip phone leh.. 3 mp.. internal and external cam.. mp3 and mp4 video.. 3G sum more.. plus it still haven't come out yet.. only in europe.. ai yo yo.. faster.. the second to it would be 궁 soundtrack cd!! gtg revise.. lolx.. buai..

p.s. my dearest friends.. you see my previous post?? lolx..


Jacqueline Teo
♥ Astronomy





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