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Saturday, April 25, 2009 @ 2:43 PM
Ystd had pe first lesson and did napfa five stations! i felt so accomplished after the "practice" as i had many improvements!! haha but if i'm gonna get gold, i gotta do 11 i-pulls!! and that is reli tough!!! boooo~
oh ya did speak EZ too! LIKE ALWAYS i am too fast! ok i found out whenever i see a longggggg sentence or if i get nervous i'd wanna read faster!! LOL
Ystd after gpp discussion went to meet sy at toa payoh to go back to nh.. then we loiter around city vibe to wait for sp to go back to sch together.. it was reli demoralising to see ppl going up on stage while you are just sitting there and watching them! sighhh FORGET IT! stupid sch! oh ya went back and saw MR WEEE!! haha he explained some parts of dynamics but since i haven revise i totally dun get which is A GREAT PITY! lol but get to see him talk like old times felt reli good! :D and when i was waiting for the event to start, i saw so many ppl walking ard and i think i am hallucinating cos i see so many aj ppl!! and not just those tt are from aj! lol! omg i think i miss 12/09 lehh!! HAHA then after the event we went to take photos ard the sch and jun even asked her SISTER IN LAW to help us HAHA! then we went to have a class dinner which onli hav 20 plus ppl lol had sushi and there's free flow of jap green tea which taste like water with a piece of leaf HAHA had such an enjoyable time during the dinner! i ate 4 pieces of SALMON SUSHI!! <33 then when i reached home there were 4 durians waiting for me!! ystd was such a great day!! but it was not perfect...
i dunno why i so dumb lah everytime have to do something wrong! i know the reason is reli stupid and i know that it totally cnnt justify wad i had stupidly or more like forgetfully did! so i guess all i can say is sorry.. very sorry:(

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 @ 9:25 PM
I HAD THE MOST MEMORABLE B'DAY TODAY! haha! firstly, i was rushing through pi draft one till 1.30 am "this morning" and i was very touched cos the ppl who saw me online came to wish me once it's past twelve!! XD but lucky no.1 is mr NI-KE chiam, still got the energy to sing a sleepy b'day song haha then candy bu gan xin losing to nick haha cos she's no.2! then the UNCLE SEE hor miss the 12.00 am and 3.59 am timings lor! haha pi more impt lah.. haha online ppl still got may, junhao, huishan i think! haha then later i go slp and wake up at 6.07am! lol i got check my hp lor at tt time lor then i "CLEVERLY" put my hp in my bag which at 12.45pm i check it again and saw 11 messages!! haha and it was very sweet! cos they were all b'day wishes!! haha from 11 different ppl leh!! so happy tt ppl rmb my b'day haha! oh and my very first b'day present of the day is AN APPLE TEA from my BELOVED MAY AND XINYI! haha then i got more from my LOVABLE classmates!! haha apparently they are all females! LOL (cos got 2 males super inefficient in "producing" a present lol joking joking) when i saw all these simple things they did i just feel very contented! aww HAHA! THANK YOU THANK YOU<3!

then i was supposed to read a story for the class but no time so postponed to tmr (somemore i still read so many times to myself lor HAHA) and i specially chose today to speak! LOL! oh ya FINALLY FINISHED PI DRAFT 1! whew! so funny lor last night, every1 seems to be fighting a war (except tt it is a war with words) haha cutting short yr pi is no easy feat!!

oh ya did my first day job as pe rep! haha got lots of guidance from estee! :P somemore i forgot to bring shoebag to contain every1's valuables! even aft huiying's super early reminder last night! lol lucky everything turned out ok! XD oh ya changed my ez link card today! then hy like cant bear to part with the card tt's been with her for 4 yrs! LOL

oh oh ya!! during physics spa today the 2 "choir potential" guys was actually singing the NICE, OLD TRADITIONAL BDAY SONG but then they was joined by 4 other guys who were very happy to sing a twisted version of the nice b'day song when i said i wanted to record them down! in the end i became a "monkey" yay, hooray, wheeee~ LOL

awww i am watching my WESTLIFE NUMBER ONES TOUR now!! my b'day present haha! oh ya and i wanna SPECIALLY THANK these pp for wishing me HAPPY B'DAY:
candy (the girl who wished me 17 times happy b'day haha), huiying (the girl who made me a customised pouch!!! ), huishan (the girl who finds 14 april a sleepy day for her.. aww it's such a wonderful day can? maybe TOO wonderful lah), nick(the guy who sings the most no. of b'day songs to me -.-), adwin (the guy who tells me happy b'day through 3 ways - sms, msn and facebook!), junhao (the guy who nvr stop calling me china girl! LOL), weirong (the guy who dun admit he IS OLD - RONG SHU), meixian (a starry clip-on reminder thingy!!), shujuan (la bi xiao xin LOL ^^), estee (another girl who wishes me lots of time today haha), lesa, nat, hardy (estee's choco?), zihui, kristanto, szehowe, joofei (for his nice banana peach blended with whipped cream :D), xinyi (the noble middleperson haha), may (my pretty pretty starry necklace), xinyun (the one who spared me the 17 paos!! haha), feini (the one who came specially to the downstairs of my house to giv me her PRECIOUS HANDMADE CARD but i wasn't home!), huizhi (my nice nice card with my many unglam photos haha), yingying, zhiyi (my girlfren who wanted to SURPRISE me with her sms haha), ah wen, ah jun, ah qi [these 3 ppl have touching speeches and sweet msgs!] , zishuo, jeanette, hinfong (2-days-older-than-me GIRL), germaine (spag girl), garyim, yixin [my 2 olddddd frens], belinda, yeeching, wanlim, sylvia, wanxuan, shengquan, elena, xiang jie!

wah i need to do chinese compo le! so late liao!! LOL the b'day girl tt onli hav 30 mins more to enjoy her SPECIAL DAY is signing off! :D

Friday, April 03, 2009 @ 11:20 PM
family day's in 2 days! any1 who is interested can just enter ANDERSON JUNIOR COLLEGE from 8.30am to 3.00pm!! but u must must must go to the hall to the corner beside first aid booth!!! to 1209's stall! XD

this week passed in a flash and like every other day it's another interesting day! but i think i got serious memory loss cos i always forget wad we do in class but all i know is tt there'll nvr be a dull day in 1209! HAHA looking forward to how crazy they will be on fd!

ohh huishan says i'm being too sensitive but i keep spotting scandals!!! lol see ah pek is gonna kill me! some1 got 2 wives in our class and HE shld know WHO he is! haha obviously! hs get things abit slowly but these kind she also spot them as fast as me hahahaha! and dun see the mr chiam like very decent lor he superrrr "yellow" with his jokes which he always share with see ah pek.. then mr "wad's yr problem la" will also get them superrr fast then onli left me and hs cos we very pure u see, but hs is still the last! HAHA then she will laugh until tears are swimming in her eyes lol!! so like all in all physics tutorial is like the "fun-nest" lesson LOL

today went back to nhhs with siyi! it was superrr fun lah lol she's grown prettier!! haha then after we spend like 15 mins in G.O. waiting for our SGC, we went wandering ard and eventually ended up in a deserted area in the 3rd floor behind the pa room! lol then she demo-ed her dances while i demo-ed those i learnt in FOL haha! then we dragged time here and there until finally we saw yingying at np room there! haha then we chatted and sy demo-ed AGAIN and continue to fa hua chi haha then we went home tgt and bought bubble tea! it was super fun too kinda she bu de them when we had to part! LOL

listening to "ghost of you and me", can tell it's superrrr old and its automatically replaying again and again! lol i wan to try listening to it for 50 times! HAHA to experiment wad mr "yan dao" says!

oh ya!!!! bought FOREVER PRINCESSSSS!!! read it in 2 days!!! tooo fast le i think then the ending so abrupt wahhh~~ no more princess diaries le!! :( :( :( but still MIA & MICHAEL 4EVER!!! XD

oh yaaa more more more important!! everyone go catch 9pm show on channel 8!!! got joshua ang and teresa tseng!!!! <3333 haha ok i shld stop myself before i go berserk! :D


Jacqueline Teo
♥ Astronomy





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